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Robust, reliable, and easy-to-integrate API you can count on

Our developer-friendly API is built around REST and the responses are returned in JSON. It practices standard HTTP response codes, authentication, and verbs helping you get started in no time.

What makes
SpringVerify’s API unique?


Easy integration


Set-up in less than 4 hours


Predictable resource oriented URLs


ISO and PCI certified


Industry-leading turnaround time


Powered by AI and Blockchain


Guaranteed 99.9% uptime SLA


Dedicated Account Manager

It’s purpose-built for 
developers by developers.

Plugs into your existing tools seamlessly

Our API integrates with the HRMS and ATS tools you already use. You don't have to dedicate a special time or effort to get started with us.

Access our API Documentation
Our API commitment and public documentation

Our flexible and easy-to-use API documentation helps you get started instantly. Build a tailored solution that fits your organization’s needs.

Access our API Documentation
Embrace transparency and control with Blockchain & AI

Get the combined benefits of an AI and Blockchain to boost accuracy, speed, and reliability with every background check you make.

Increase productivity with workflow automation

Wave goodbye to repetitive manual tasks and cumbersome paperwork. Save time and focus on what matters by automating your verifications easily.

Comes equipped with Webhook endpoints

You don’t have to call our API to know the status of the checks. SpringVerify automatically notifies and keeps you up-to-date at every step of the process.

Build a fool-proof system with a pre-production environment

Conduct tests in our pre-production environment with mock data. This can save time and effort compared to experimenting with real-time data.

Our API integrates with the HRMS and ATS tools you already use. You don't have to dedicate a special time of effort to get started with us.
Our flexible and easy-to-use API documentation helps you get started instantly. Build a tailored solution that fits your organization’s needs.
Get the combined benefits of an AI and Blockchain to boost accuracy, speed, and reliability with every background check you make.
Wave goodbye to repetitive manual tasks and cumbersome paperwork. Save time and focus on what matters by automating your verifications easily.
You don’t have to call our API to know the status of the checks. SpringVerify automatically notifies and keeps you up-to-date at every step of the process.
Conduct tests in our pre-production environment with mock data. This can save time and effort compared to experimenting with real-time data.
API Documentation
curl --location --request POST 'https://api.us.springverify.com/employee/invite' --header 'Content-Type: application/json' --header 'Authorization: Bearer JWT_TOKEN' --data-raw '{
"email_list": [
"employee_details": [
"email": "venunath2@gmail.com",
"first_name": "abcd",
"last_name": "xyc",
"middle_name": "zxcz",
"phone": "21321313",
"birthdate": "12-12-2012"
"package": "bronze",
"addOns": {
"employment": 0,
"education": 0,
"license": 0,
"driving_license": 0,
"civil_court": 0,
"all_county_criminal_search": false,
"county_criminal_search": 0,
"MVR": false
API Documentation

Powerful and flexible API

Our powerful API gives you an unmatched verification experience. Meaning, you can start building on your existing HRIS and ATS platforms effortlessly. Plus, Blockchain and Machine Learning make your background checks faster, easier, and more accurate.

Access our API Documentation

Scale your hiring with SpringVerify